人教版PEP六年级下册英语Unit3 第一课时 教案
第一课时课时内容A Lets learn Listen, answer and write 课时分析本课时是人教版六年级下册第三单元第一课时。围绕Where did you go?这一话题展开,主要通过对话学习词组rode a horse, rode a bike, went camping, went fishing, hurt my foot 及句型Where did you go.? I went toWhat did you do there? I的表达。引导学生可以通过博客、微信等,与朋友分享自己的活动和情感。持续培养学生学习英语的兴趣,激发学生学习英语的热情,树立学习英语的自信。第一课时是本单元的基础,学会了本课时所要掌握的知识,再学习其他课时会起到事半功倍的效果,本课时的重点是四会词组的掌握以及能够运用四会词组、核心句型谈论周末活动或假日活动。本课时包括Lets learn 和Listen, answer and write 两个板块。Lets learn呈现了John五月一日骑马、去野营、去钓鱼和五月十二日骑车子、脚受伤的五幅照片,通过John的博客分享这一情景,呈现单词和词组,使学生直观的了解词组的形式和意义。此板块呈现的对话情境是张鹏看见John发表的博客,与John聊天,很自然的引出“你去了哪里,在那做了什么事情”的句型。博客是现在在孩子之间很流行,可以把自己的文章,自己的图片放上去,大家一起看,也可以设为隐私。博客是学生们感兴趣的话题,很贴近学生的生活,也更能激发学生学习的兴趣和热情。Listen, answer and write 板块是一个综合性的语用活动,可以通过本活动操练和巩固A 部分Lets learn板块中有关假期和周末活动的单词和词组。本课时虽然是新授课,但是四会词组中的单词horse, bike, fishing, foot,went的原形go,在以前已经学过,所以新授知识很容易被学生们接受。在设计教学过程时,我以学生的学习兴趣为主,利用自己活动的图片复习词组,用John在博客上发表的图片学习词组,用学生旅游的照片引出句型,采用听、说、读、 写、玩、儿歌等多种教学手段全面调动学生的积极参与。通过直观教学法、情境教学法、让学生在快乐的氛围中学会知识。课时目标(1)能够听、说、读、写单词和词组:rode a horse, rode a bike, went camping, went fishing, hurt my foot。(2)能够运用上述单词和词组讨论周末或假日活动。(3)能够完成听力、书写活动。(4)能够听、说、读、写句型:Where did you go.? I went to . What did you do there? I.(5)能够使用上述句型谈论周末或假日活动。(6) 能够听录音后获取信息,并能用完整的句子进行书面描述Carl, Meimei和Mr Gao三人昨天的活动。(7)引导学生可以通过博客、微信等,与朋友分享自己的活动和情感。持续培养学生学习英语的热情,树立学好英语的信心。课时重难点1.重点(1)能够听、说、读、写单词和词组:rode a horse, rode a bike, went camping, went fishing, hurt my foot。(2)能够运用上述单词和词组讨论周末或假日活动。(3)能够听、说、读、写句型:Where did you go.? I went to . What did you do there? I.(4)能够使用上述句型讨论周末或假日活动。(5)能够听录音后获取信息,并能用完整的句子进行书面描述Carl, Meimei和Mr Gao三人昨天的活动。2.难点(1)能够正确使用四会单词和词组讨论周末或假日活动。(2)能够灵活运用句型Where did you go.? I went to . What did you do there? I.谈论周末或假日活动。(3)单词hurt, the Labour Day的认读。教学准备多媒体课件、卡片、录音机、磁带、照片教学过程Step 1 Warm up1. GreetingT: Good morning, everyone. Ss:Good morning, teacher.T: How are you today? Ss:Im fine, thank you. And you?T: Im fine, too. What do you do on the weekend?S1: I oftenT: What did you do last night?S2: I设计意图:教师与学生之间的谈话,可以加深教师对学生的了解,拉近教师与学生之间的交流。2. Lets sing.T: Now lets sing a song” Last Weekend”. OK? Ss:OK.(课件播放歌曲,教师与学生一起唱歌。)教学资源:课件设计意图:歌曲Last Weekend,复习了与本课相关的句型,同时通过师生的共同歌唱,活跃了课堂气氛,激发了学生学习的兴趣,为进入下个环节做好准备。Step 2 Lead inT: Boys and girls, lets play a game. Guess. What did I do yesterday? (课件出示看电视、打扫房间、看书、洗衣服的照片,照片被遮住一部分,让学生们猜出昨天做过的事情。)S1:You watched TV.T: Yes. What else?S2: You read books.T: Right. Go on.S3: You .T:You are clever. (教师要不断的鼓励学生大胆猜测,并给与口头奖励。)教学资源:照片设计意图:教师是学生们非常想要了解的,通过学生猜测教师的活动,很能引起全体学生的兴趣,同时又为学习新课做好准备。Step 3 Presentation1. Teaching the new phrase “rode a horse, went camping, went fishing, rode a bike, hurt my foot”.(1) Learn” rode a bike, went camping, went fishing”(课件呈现插图。)a. T: Look, this is Johns blog. When did he send pictures and write on the blog? S1: It was May 1st.T: Yes, May 1st is the Labour Day holiday.(板书the Labour Day,领读,齐读,帮助学生理解。注意Labour的发音。)What did he do on the Labour Day holiday? Look at picture 1.Ss: He rode a bike. (教师引导学生说出。)(板书rode a bike,展示ride,让学生读并说出i的发音,然后根据发音规律,让学生自己试读rode,体会o的发音, 再领读rode,指名读,拼读,齐读短语,注意rode 和a之间的连读。)T: Who did he ride a horse with?Ss: His father.T: Where did he ride a horse? Do you know?S1: Beijing?S2: Shanghai?T: No, he rode a horse in Xinjiang. What else did he do in Xinjiang? Look at picture 2 and picture 3.Ss: He went camping and went fishing.(引导学生说出。)(板书went camping, went fishing。教读went,fishing拼读,指名读,领读,。教学camp,联系单词lamp,,以旧带新,让学生自己拼出它的读音,教师带读,指名读,然后齐读短语。)b. 齐读短语rode a bike,went camping, went fishing。c. 观察短语went camping, went fishing,找找动词变化的规律。go后面的动词要加+ing,变成动名词。(2)Learn ”rode a bike.”T:John .How did he fee?Ss: He felt happy.T: Yes, he had a good time in Xinjiang on Labour holiday. Last weekend, he also had two days off. Where did he go last Saturday? What did he do there?(引导学生猜测John上周六去的地方和做的事情,然后展示图片。)S1: He rode a bike.(板书rode a bike,指名读,领读,齐读。)(3)Learn ”hurt my foot”.T: Who rode a bike with him? (继续观看博客的图片。)Ss: His friend.T: Was it fun to ride a bike in the park?Ss: Yes.T: Oh, what happened to John later? Ss: He hurt his foot.(引导学生说出。)( 板书hurt my foot, 联系单词nurse, Thursday中字母组合ur的发音,让学生自己拼出单词hurt的读音,指名读,带读,齐读短语,理解短语,注意hurt的过去式不变。)(4)播放录音,跟读五个短语,注意语音、语调。(5)儿歌记忆短语。Went ,went, went fishing去钓鱼, went camping, 去野营。 Rode,rode, rode a horse, rode a bike, hurt my foot伤到了我的脚。 (两人一组,记忆儿歌。)教学资源:课件、录音机、磁带设计意图:在教学四会单词和词组时,我采用单词迁移的方式,让学生根据已学的类似的单词,推出单词的发音。教给学生拼读单词的方法,提高学生的自主学生的能力。2. Learn the sentences” Where did you go? I went to What did you do there? I”(1) T: Boys and girls, look at the picture of xxxs. (展示学生旅游的照片,引导学生观看板书上的句子,理解句子,并用板书上的句子向该生提出问题。)A: Where did you go last weekend?B: I went to _________.A: What did you do there?B: I________________.(2)播放Lets learn 对话,学生听录音回答问题。Where did John go last Saturday?What did he do there?(3)看书跟读录音,模仿语音语调。(4)分角色朗读对话。(5)仿编对话,两人一组,任选下面的一组演练对话。in the parkwent fishingon the farmrode a horse, hurt my armin the forestwent camping句型:A: Where did you go__________?B: I went to the /a _________.A: What did you do there?B: I________________.(6)指组表演对话。教学资源:照片、课件设计意图:与大家一起分享学生旅游的照片,并根据照片提出问题,激起学生想要表达的欲望,提高学习的兴趣。Step 4 Practice1. Lets play a game.快速抢答全班分成男生,女生两大组,请一名男生或一名女生抽取两张卡片依次做出相应的动作,两个组的学生根据表演者的动作猜:He rode a horse/ and went fishing/哪个组先猜出答案就得一分。教学资源:图片设计意图:快速抢答的游戏,激起学生们的斗志,学生们都很积极的参与,既活跃了课堂气氛,又巩固了新授短语。2. 两人一组,轮流抽取学生卡片编对话。A:What did you do last Saturday?B:I rode a bike. What about you?A: I went camping.教学资源:学生自制卡片设计意图:抽卡片编对话,锻炼学生的口语表达能力,扎实了短语的认知能力。2. Listen, answer and write.(1) T: How do you feel today? What about yesterday? How did you feel yesterday? Is it the same as today? What did you do yesterday?(引导学生用不同的动词或动词短语进行回答,描述昨天的事情和感受。)(2)四人一组把学过的过去式的动词短语进行归类。(课件展示。)what did you do?I rode a bike.I rode a bike.I went camping.I went fishing.I went swimming(3)交代背景,听前预测。T: Carl, Meimei and Mr Guo did different things yesterday. What did they do? Please guess.(4) 播放录音,学生回答,然后把相关信息写在横线上。(5)小组复述,指名复述。教学资源:课件设计意图:设置情境,激活已有的知识。鼓励学生拓宽思路,帮助学生巩固和运用A部分所学的词汇和句型。Step 5 SummaryT: Which new phrases do you learn today?Ss:Rode a bike, rode a horse, went camping, went fishing, hurt my foot. T:Excellent! Which new sentences do you learn today?Ss:Where did you go last Saturday?I went toWhat did you do there?IT: What else do you learn?(教师适当提醒。)Ss: Go后面的动词必须+ing,变成动名词。设计意图:学生们自己总结、归纳本节课所学的知识,加深对知识的理解,便于对知识的记忆。课堂作业一、将下列字母重新排列,组合成新的单词,并写出汉语。1. d, i, r, e 2. s, i, h, f 3. c, a, p, m, ________ ________ ________ ( ) ( ) ( )二、同学们在假期里都做了什么,快来看一看,连一连。A. rode a horse 1. B. went camping 2. C. rode a bike 3. D. hurt my foot 4. 三、按要求完成句子。1. Sarah rode a bike there.(就画线部分提问。)______ ______ Sarah _______ ______?2. Mike went to a forest park yesterday.(就画线部分提问。)______ ______ Mike ______ yesterday?3. I hurt my leg last Saturday.(用Amy改写。)______ ______ ______ leg last Saturday.四、看图,回答问题。1. What did you do last weekend?____________________________________.2. Did he ride a bike yesterday?____________________________________.Answers:一、1.ride骑2. fish钓鱼3. camp野营二、1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C三、1. What did, do there 2. Where did, go 3. Amy hurt his四、1. He went fishing with his father.2. No, he didnt.板书设计Unit 3 Where did you go?A Lets learnrode a horse rode a bike A: Where did you go last Saturday?ride B: I went to________.went camping hurt my foot A: What did you do there?go hurt B: I________________.went fishinggo后面动词+ing,7