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剑桥 六年级 下册 英语 课文 音频 单词 朗读 诵读 朗诵 mp3 打包
折叠 新剑桥版六年级下册英语课文音频单词朗读mp3全册打包.rar新剑桥版六年级下册英语课文音频单词朗读mp3全册打包.rar
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../Unit 1 Word list单词.mp3
../Unit 2 Word list单词.mp3
../Unit 3 Word list单词.mp3
../Unit 4 Word list单词.mp3
../Unit 5 Word list单词.mp3
../Unit 6 Word list单词.mp3
../Revision 1
../../Revision 1 4 Food riddles.mp3
../../Revision 1 6 Match and fill in the numbers.mp3
../../Revision 1 8 Listen and read the text.mp3
../Revision 2
../../Revision 2 3a Listen to the poems.mp3
../../Revision 2 3b Listen again.mp3
../../Revision 2 5 Listen and read.mp3
../Starter unit Join us
../../Starter unit 1 Listen to the poem.mp3
../../Starter unit 7 Listen and complete.mp3
../../Starter unit 8 Read Chen Zihan's letter.mp3
../Unit 1 My cousins and I
../../Unit 1 1a Listen and read.mp3
../../Unit 1 1b Listen again.mp3
../../Unit 1 3a Listen and circle the words you hear.mp3
../../Unit 1 4a Listen and read.mp3
../../Unit 1 5a Listen and match.mp3
../../Unit 1 6 Listen and read.mp3
../../Unit 1 Word list单词.mp3
../Unit 2 Food and health
../../Unit 2 1 Listen and sing the song.mp3
../../Unit 2 3 Listen and tick True or False.mp3
../../Unit 2 5 Read and label the healthy eating tips.mp3
../../Unit 2 6a Listen and number Nick's answers.mp3
../../Unit 2 6b Listen again and match Ann's questions with Nick's answers in 6a.mp3
../../Unit 2 7 Listen and read the text.mp3
../../Unit 2 Word list单词.mp3
../Unit 3 Mary's diary
../../Unit 3 1 Listen and read.mp3
../../Unit 3 2 Read and say why Mary was sad.mp3
../../Unit 3 3 Read and say what Mary dreamed about.mp3
../../Unit 3 4 A story—Ice cream for Oswald.mp3
../../Unit 3 6a Listen and number what Sally will do in the correct order.mp3
../../Unit 3 6b Listen again.mp3
../../Unit 3 Word list单词.mp3
../Unit 4 My heroes
../../Unit 4 1a Listen and read.mp3
../../Unit 4 1b Listen and read again.mp3
../../Unit 4 2 Read.mp3
../../Unit 4 3 A story—Robin's father.mp3
../../Unit 4 4 Listen and read.mp3
../../Unit 4 6 Listen to what people say about ....mp3
../../Unit 4 Word list单词.mp3
../Unit 5 I love reading
../../Unit 5 1 Listen and sing the song.mp3
../../Unit 5 2a Listen and tick the correct answers.mp3
../../Unit 5 2b Guess the answers.mp3
../../Unit 5 3 A story—The Sheriff's trick.mp3
../../Unit 5 5a Listen and complete the story.mp3
../../Unit 5 5b Listen and check your answers.mp3
../../Unit 5 6 Read the two posters.mp3
../../Unit 5 Word list单词.mp3
../Unit 6 The world of my dreams
../../Unit 6 1 Listen and read.mp3
../../Unit 6 2 Listen and number.mp3
../../Unit 6 4 A story—The rabbit's dream.mp3
../../Unit 6 5 Listen and sing the song.mp3
../../Unit 6 6 Look and fill in the letters.mp3
../../Unit 6 7 Listen and read the dialogue.mp3
../../Unit 6 Word list单词.mp3

六年级下册 Starter unit blink 眨(眼) boss 老板;领导 cowboy 牛仔 for now 目前,暂停 pilot 驾驶员,飞行员 pm 下午【用于表示钟点的 数 字之后】 pony 小马 really 准确地,的确 spacecraft 宇宙飞船 supersonic 超音速的 Unit1 auntie 姑妈;姨妈;伯母;婶 婶; 舅妈 Australia Day 澳大利亚国庆节 Australian 澳大利亚人 baby 婴儿 Canberra 堪培拉 climb 攀登,爬 fact 事实;真相 friendly 友好的,友善的 koala 树袋熊,考拉 little 幼小的 outgoing 外向的 sixth 第六 Spring Festival 春节 tail 尾巴 Unit2 active 【尤指】好动的 celery 芹菜 cherry 樱桃 corn-on-the-cob 玉米棒子 fit 健壮的,健康的 glass 一杯之量 habit 习惯 health 健康(状况) healthy 健康的,健壮的 kind 种类 look after 照顾,照料 memory 记忆力 notat all 一点儿也不 own 自己的 plenty (of) 丰富,充足 protein 蛋白质 stay 维持 string bean 菜豆 sugar 食糖 warm 热情的,热枕的 weight 体重 whole grains 天然谷物 Unit3 diary 日记 difficult 困难的,不易的 flavour 【事物或饮料的】味, 味道 gentleman 先生 guide 导游,向导 horrible 可怕的 lady 女士 rope 绳索 saying 格言,谚语 share 分享 show 娱乐表演,演出 strawberry 草莓 tour 【短暂的】参观,游览 vanilla 香草精 Unit4 almost 几乎,差不多 around 大约;在周围 blind 使失明 brave 勇敢的 camp 活动营地,度假营地 college 学院,大学 confident 有信心的 dead 死得,去世的 deer 鹿 die 死去,死亡 everything 所有事物;每件事情 fight (与)作战 footballer 足球运动员 forest 森林,林区 heart 心,内心 hold on 紧紧抓住【抱住】 hybrid rice 杂交水稻 king 国王 leave 把留在某处 move 打动,使感动 Nottingham 诺丁汉 shy 羞怯的,腼腆的 soldier 士兵,军人 the poor 穷人 wise 有智慧的 woman 成年女子,妇女 writer 作者 young 年轻的 Unit5 bookworm 书虫 California 加利福尼亚州 celebrate 庆祝 competition 比赛,竞赛 heroine 女主人公 hood 【外套上的】风帽 joy 喜悦 nonsense 胡说 read 喜欢的读物 rest 休息 Sherwood Forest 舍伍德森林 shock 吃惊,震惊 Spiderman 蜘蛛侠 trick 骗局,诡计 win 赢得 Unit6 dangerous 危险的 enough 充足(的),充分(的) every now and then偶尔,有时 glad 高兴的 ocean 海洋,大海 owl 猫头鹰 robot 机器人 situation 形势,情况 sure 确信的;当然 wish 希望 Supplementary activities become 成为 colorful 色彩丰富的 Dunvegan Castle 邓韦根城堡 Edinburgh 爱丁堡 Glasgow 格拉斯哥 goldfish 金鱼 gun 枪 hiding 藏匿,躲藏 Loch Ness 尼斯湖 Nessie 尼斯湖水怪 painting 绘画(作品)






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