牛津上海版四年级上册英语Module 2 Unit 3-教案.doc
Teaching Plan for Oxford English (Shanghai Edition)4A Module 2 Me, my family and friends Unit 3 I have a friendMaterials:Oxford English (Shanghai Edition) 4A M2 U3 I have a friendTeaching aids: Multi-media, word cards, flash, Work sheet, etc教学设计说明学生情况分析: 通过三年多的英语学习,学生们已经积累了不少的词汇量,初步掌握了几种常见的简单句型,也能初步知晓常用的语法结构。就词汇而言,数词、食品类单词、水果类单词、学习用品类单词、玩具类单词、学校场所类单词等方面初有积累;就句型而言,to be, can和祈使句表达较为娴熟。虽然学生间的差异较之以往明显,但他们对语言学习和交流的欲望较之以往也更为强烈。绝大多数学生能积极参与学习过程,对游戏、竞赛、对子练习、听说活动等尤感兴趣。模块教学任务分析: 4AM2的学习主题为Me, my family and friends,从自身的了解转向家人或朋友的关注,从最基本信息的了解转向职业、服饰等多维信息的关注。可以说,学习内容更加宽泛,学习要求也更加明晰,即学生已知的语言知识和已获得的语言技能成为其进一步开展语言学习的基础。作为教师应该更关注于学生技能的训练以及语用能力的培养。本模块,有家庭称谓的进一步学习(由直系转向旁系),有服饰名称的学习(由之前的听说要求转向四会要求),更有职业名称类单词的初次接触。通过本模块三个单元的学习,使学生能更加完整地认识自身或他人,能更加完整、生动、立体地介绍自己或他人(包括家人、朋友、同学等),包括姓名、年龄、与描述者的关系、职业、能力、喜好、心情与感受以及衣着等诸多方面。 单元教学任务分析: 朋友让我们的生活变得更精彩,服饰是其中一道亮丽的风景线。本单元要求学生学习与掌握常用的服饰名称,能用He / She has来描述他人的衣着。在此过程中,要注意语言的丰富(采用适切的修饰语)、服饰的季节性以及服饰的性别特征。同时,能综合运用两个模块中的相关内容有条理地、合理地介绍或描述自己或他人(家人、亲戚、同学、朋友等)信息包括:名字、年龄、外表特征、与描述者的关系、职业、衣着、才能、心情与感受等诸方面。在此基础上,通过故事欣赏,让学生初步领悟到 Everyone needs a friend. Friends make us happy.这一朴素道理。1、各学习项目分析Look and learn: 核心学习板块。主要进行词汇学习,重点是coat, shirt, blouse, T-shirt, skirt, sweater, jeans, shorts等服饰类名称表达。Look and say: 核心学习板块。主要进行句型学习,重点是He / She has等,能合理描述他人所拥有的服饰。Play a game: 语言活动与练习板块。通过猜谜游戏,关注他人衣着的细微差别,逐步形成较为完整的他人描述。Read a story: 语言活动与练习板块。通过动物故事的欣赏与阅读,训练学生的阅读技巧,提高学生的阅读兴趣。同时,借助故事阅读,帮助学生初步领悟Everyone needs a friend. Friends make us happy. 这一道理。Listen and enjoy: 语言欣赏板块。通过歌曲吟唱,活跃课堂气氛,操练新学,感受英语语言。Think and write: 语言活动与练习板块。从关注新知听、说、读的技能训练转向写的技能培养,要求学生能整合各板块所学,较为完整地描述他人,注意语序与逻辑性。Learn the sounds: 语音学习板块。通过小诗感受辅音字母组合br-, cr- 的发音,初步树立音素概念,做到发音准确、到位。2、知识要点介绍(1)能学习和掌握coat, shirt, blouse, T-shirt, skirt, sweater, jeans, shorts等服饰类单词,做到音、形、义的统一;能关注服饰的季节性以及性别属性;(2)能用”He / She has a / a pair of”来合理表达他人的衣着情况,关注数量的不同;(3)能用相关形容词(如颜色、新旧、大小、长短、厚薄等)来进一步描述服饰;(4)能通过人物(自己或他人)描述,整合相关要素,尤其关注人物与服饰之间的关系;(5)能学习和掌握字母组合br- 和cr-的发音,如:bread, ice cream等。单元课时划分:第一课时(Topic: Kittys blogs- About me):Look and learn, Listen and enjoy第二课时(Topic: Kittys blogs- About my friends):Look and say, Play a game, Think and write, Listen and enjoy 第三课时(Kittys blogs - About animal friends):Read a story, Listen and enjoy, Learn the sound第四课时(Kittys blogs - About Unit 2):Revision 单元课时具体说明:课时词汇学习句型学习综合描述第一课时1. vest, T-shirt, blouse, shirt, skirt, shorts, coat, sweate, jeans, etc 2. a pair of 学生已知的各种相关句型结构,如:I am I have I can I like wearing etc其中,要特别关注:1) - Do you have? - Yes / No2) (season) is________.I have (clothes) forI like wearing _________.1 学习和掌握服饰名称类单词,如:vest, T-shirt, blouse, shirt, skirt, shorts, coat, sweater, jeans 等,做到音、形、义的统一;2 了解人们在不同季节的衣着特征,注意服饰与性别的关系;3 在关注服饰与季节关系的同时,合理表述自己在某个季节的着装或喜爱的服饰;4 将服饰描述作为自己或他人描述的信息源之一,学会合理作出描述。第二课时复习第一课时中出现的核心词汇1. 学习句型He/She has 2. 初步感知What does he/she have?1能用He / She has描述他人的衣着以及所拥有的事物;2能较为完整地描述自己或他人,信息包括年龄、外貌、衣着、能力、喜好、心情或感受等;3能读懂一定篇幅的、涵盖多种信息的小语段;4能体会到Different people like different clothes. Different clothes for different season or persons.这一道理。第三课时1. sharp, bite, net, afraid, teeth, etc2. Learn the sound, e.g., br- & cr-bread, Bryan, cream, etcIt has 1学习、感受并初步运用sharp, bite, net等相关词汇;2能准确、流利地朗读故事,合理理解故事内容;3能通过练习,训练学生的阅读技巧,提高其阅读兴趣;4通过故事阅读,逐步领悟出Everyone needs a friend. Friends make us happy.这一道理。第四课时Review the words about clothes, such as shorts, sweater, jeans and blouse.Review the key structures, such as He has and she has 1复习本单元服饰类单词,关注其音、形、义;2复习本单元核心句型,注意服饰的性别特征以及服饰的季节特征;在此基础上,将服饰作为描述或了解自己或他人的主要信息源之一;3帮助学生感受到:朋友让我们的生活变得更精彩,服饰是其中一抹亮丽的风景线; 4完成相关单元练习,重视双基训练、培养语用能力。第1课时教学目标:1学习和掌握服饰名称类单词,如:vest, T-shirt, blouse, shirt, skirt, shorts, coat, sweater, jeans 等,做到音、形、义的统一;2了解人们在不同季节的衣着特征,注意服饰与性别的关系;3在关注服饰与季节的关系的同时,合理表述自己在某个季节的着装或喜爱的服饰;4将服饰描述作为自己或他人描述的信息源之一,学会合理作出描述。Topic:Kittys blogs- About meTeaching procedureStepsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Say a rhyme2. Free talk3. Introduce friends in the class1. Sing a song2. Answer the questions3. Try to introduce students friends with 45 sentences通过儿歌,让学生快速进入学习状态,并运用已学句型合理介绍自己的朋友。While-task procedure1. Show Kittys blog and introduce Kitty 2. To teach Summer Blog1) To show Kittys summer blog and ask two questions2) To teach vest3) To teach blouse, shirt & T-shirt.4) To teach skirt5)To teach shorts6) To read Summer Blog3.To teach Winter Blog1) Show Kittys Winter Blog.2) To teach sweater and coat3) To teach jeans4)To read winter blog1. Enjoy Kittys blogListen to Kittys summer blog and enjoy some pictures.1) Spell the word2) Ask and answer - Do you have a vest? - Yes, I do. Its ____. / No I dont.1) Read and spell2) Say a chant3) Do the exercise Fill in the blanks1) To read and spell skirt2) Read a tongue twister3) Try to say1) To read and spell shorts.2) To learn a pair of shorts.3) Look and say I have a pair of shorts. Its______.4) Listen and enjoy1) Do the exercise Fill in the blanks2) Lets talk I have .for summer.3) Try to be Kitty and read the blog.Listen to Kittys Winter Blog and enjoy some pictures.1) Spell the word sweater and coat2) Try to read the sentences.3)Lets talk ”I like wearing.”1)Spell the word jeans 2)To learn a pair of jeans3)To know that many people like jeans1) Read and complete the passage in groups.2) To imitate Kitty and read Winter Blog.通过浏览博客引出本课时的主要人物Kitty,大体欣赏Kitty的四篇博客,为之后的逐层学习打下伏笔。在整体感受第一篇博客的基础上带出单词vest的学习,并通过调查活动巩固所学。通过Chant,初步感受服饰的性别特征,并通过小练习巩固操练所学。通过Tongue twister巩固单词,既活跃了学习气氛,又强化了对ir字母组合发音的认识。初步感受歌曲short shorts,体会夏季服饰的特色。通过学生真实的衣着描述,实践学与用的结合,积累生活经验。整体聆听第二篇博客,为新知学习埋下伏笔。注意学习过程中的详略处理。通过介绍生活中常见的jeans以及其不同的色彩搭配,加深学生对新知的记忆。通过填空的方式,进一步巩固新学;通过角色模拟,为后续的自我描述铺垫。Post-task activities1. Show Spring Blog and Winter Blog.2. Show the blogs together3. Abou you1) Enjoy Kittys other blogs again, and then choose one blog to read (Share in pairs)2) Read in pairs3) Choose your favourite clothes for one season and describe yourself. 再次回顾Kitty的博客,通过自己读、选读、同桌互读、齐读等方式感知、理解、巩固Blog中涉及的服饰名称,体会服饰的季节性与性别指向。链接季节与服饰,能联系生活实际进行交流。Assignment1. Listen, read and copy the new words.2. Read Kittys four blogs.3. Choose one season and write about yourself, including clothes.进一步巩固本课时所学,关注技能训练的全面性。板书设计4AM2U3 I have a friendKittys blogs- About meseason clothes spring jacket season is ________. summer vest T-shirt shirt blouse skirt shorts a pair of I have (clothes) forautumn trousers I like wearing ______.winter coat sweater jeans 教学反思Main Materials:My Summer BlogIts a hot summer day. Its sunny and nice. I am at the beach. Look at me. I have a purple vest and a new skirt. I have a hat too. Its big. I can make sandcastles there. Its fun. I like the beach. My Winter BlogWinter is cold. Im in Harbin. I have a sweater, a coat and a pair of jeans. I have a scarf and a pair of gloves too. They can make me warm. Look!I can skate on the ice. Im so happy. I like wearing boots in winter. How nice!More Materials:My Spring blogSpring is beautiful. Its sunny and warm. I go to the park today. Look! I have a pink blouse and a long jacket. I have a pair of new shoes too. Its black. I can fly a kite. Im happy.My Autumn blogAutumn is very cool. Its a fine day. Im in the playground now. I have a yellow T-shirt, a vest, and a pair of trousers. I have a cap too. Its orange and white. I can play basketball with my classmates. Its fun.第2课时教学目标:1能用He / She has描述他人的衣着以及所拥有的事物;2能较为完整地描述自己或他人,信息包括年龄、外貌、衣着、能力、喜好、心情或感受等;3能读懂一定篇幅的、涵盖多种信息的小语段;4能体会到Different people like different clothes. Different clothes for different season or persons.这一道理。Topic: Kittys blog - About my friendsProcedureTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Show the flash: Short shorts2. Show Kittys blogs3. Show all kinds of clothes4. Elicit: Different people like different clothes. Different clothes for different people.1. Listen and enjoy the song2. Read Kittys blogs about four seasons and different clothes3. Ask and answer:- What do you like wearing in _____? - I like wearing 4. Try to know再次欣赏P30的歌曲,活跃学习气氛,强化对单词shorts的理解与记忆。回顾上课时关于Kitty的四段博客,在朗读中感受服饰类词汇。联系生活实际,感受服饰与季节、服饰与自己的关系,加深相关词汇的记忆。感受“服饰、季节、人类”三者之间的关系。While-taskprocedure1. Teach the structures Introduce Kittys album on her blog. Elicit her friend Tom.2. Ask the students to listen to the passage about Tom.3. Ask Ss: Whos he? How is he? What can he do? What does he have?4. Show the key pattern: He has and show a chant5. Show some pictures let Ss practice: He/She has 6. Play a game7. Show Toms photo again, let Ss describe Tom.8. Show Kittys album again and elicit her friends Sally and Peter.Ask some questions about Peter then ask the same question about Sally9. Show Ss a passage about Peter and Sally.10. Show Kittys album again and elicit her friend Danny. 1. Enjoy the photos2. Listen to Kittys introduction about Tom.3. Answer these question about Tom.4. Ss read the chant and know how to use the word: has.5. Talk about the pictures with deskmate:Look at the He/She has 6. Ss read 4 passages about 4 students and then guess who they are.7. Ss practice by themselves.Hes He can He has 8. Ss look at the photo about Sally and Peter.Ss answer Ts questions and then try to describe Sally and Peter.9. Ss try to fill in the blanks and make the passage completely.10. Ss try to fill in the blanks and make the passage completely.回归Kitty的博客,为后续的新知学习创设合理的情境。聆听kitty关于朋友Tom的介绍,整体感知学习材料。同时,通过师生间的互动,帮助学生理解所聆听的语段,从而带出新学的语言结构。借用儿歌帮助学生初步区分has与have,简单又激趣。适当的机械操练能巩固重点句型。利用书本游戏(Play a game) 来进一步训练学生对 has的理解。在描述的过程中再次强化对新学句型结构的理解与记忆。以问答形式帮助学生综合运用新旧句型,为后面的语段训练打埋伏。以刚才的问答为基础,鼓励学生完成短文填空,以此训练学生对语段的理解。由扶而放,鼓励学生运用核心语言结构进行话语描述,为后续的朋友描述埋下伏笔。Post-taskactivity1. Show a name card2. Let Ss introduce one or two of their friends according to the tips.1. Ss write some information about their friends according to the tips on the name card.2. Try to introduce their friends orally. 利用名片,训练学生学会抓住人物的主要信息。根据名片上的信息,运用已学来合理介绍自己的朋友,注意连贯性与流畅度。Assignment1. Listen, read and copy P27.2. Write about your friend on the exercise book.3. Make a PPT to Introduce your favourite star.分层作业,各取所需,让每个学生在作业中巩固所学,发展自我。板书设计4AM2U3 I have a friendKittys bolgs - About my friendsTom Sally Peter DannyThis is He/ She is He/ She has He/ She can He/ She likes 教学反思Materials:Hello, everyone! I am glad that you come and see my blog again. I have a good camera. I like to take photos here and there. And I put them on my blog. Now you can enjoy them. I have a friend. His names Tom. Hes tall and thin. He has a green T-shirt and a pair of blue shorts. He can skate.I have two friends. Theyre Peter and his sister Sally. Peter has an orange T-shirt. He can ride a bicycle. Sally has a pink skirt. She can fly a kite.第3课时教学目标:1学习、感受并初步运用sharp, bite, net等相关词汇;2能准确、流利地朗读故事,合理理解故事内容;3能通过练习,训练学生的阅读技巧,提高其阅读兴趣;4通过故事阅读,逐步领悟出Everyone needs a friend. Friends make us happy.这一道理。Topic: Kittys blogs- About animal friendsStepTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-taskpreparation1. Show a song2. Free talk about the clothes3. Show Kittys blogs about seasons or friends4. Show some riddles about animals.1. Sing a song2. Free talk about the clothes3. Read Kittys blogs4. Guess the riddles通过歌曲、自由谈话、博文阅读以及游戏,复习单元核心内容,让学生快速进入学习状态。While-taskProcedureTo learn the story1. Show Kittys blog2. Listen and ask1) To teach: teeth(1) Show the word(2) Two forms: tooth & teeth(3) Show different teeth and elict sharp/ blunt(4) Try to be a lion and a mouse (5) Describ one of them3. Ask: Q1: Is Mr Lion afraid? Q2: Is Miss Nouse afraid?Q3: Are Mr Lion and Miss Mouse friends?4. Show Q1 and let students listen to the blog and watch some pictures1) Ask some questions2) To elict: net3) Show more nets4)Think: What will Mr Lion say when he is in the net?To Elicit: afraid, be afraid of 5. Show Q2 and thinke.g. What does the mouse see? How does it feel? What can it do?1) To teach: bite2) Look and saye.g. This is a . It can bite Because it has small but sharp teeth.3) What does Miss Mouse say when she sees the lion in the net?4)Show P3 & P46. Show Q3 and thinkAre they friends?1. To enjoy Kittys new blog and some pictures2. Listen and answer1) To learn: teeth(1) Read the word(2) Use these two forms(3) Learn the new word sharp and try to say:Look at the It has teeth.(4) Imitate these two animals(5) Try to say:This is a lion. Its big. Its strong. It has big teeth. This is a mouse. It is small. It has small but sharp teeth.3. Have a discussion1) Answer some questions2) To learn: net3) Enjoy some nets and try to say4) Have a talk show1) To learn: biteMore words: kite, bike, like2) look and say .e.g. This is a . It can bite Because it has small but sharp teeth.3) Have a free talk4) Try to sayThe lion is in the net. It is afraid. The nouse is afraid too.Help! Help! Who can help me? The mouse can bite. It can help the lion.Oh, Mr Lion is in the net. Hes very afraid. Let me help him. 6. Answer and read P5再次回归Kitty的博客,欣赏博客中呈现的动物图片的欣赏,由此带出Mr Lion and Miss Mouse两位主角。通过狮子和老鼠的自我介绍语段,带出teeth和sharp的学习。 借助图饰观察牙齿,感受与理解其不同特点。与此同时,了解更多动物的牙齿特征,积累生活经验。从模仿动物逐步过渡到描述动物,形成对某些动物较为完整的认识,提高学生的语用能力。同时,也顺利带出了故事前两小节的内容。通过讨论,设置悬念,为后续学习埋下伏笔。注意net学习过程中的生活性体现,帮助学生感受不同的net,鼓励学生利用已学内容自由说话。鼓励学生大胆想象,感受Mr Lion在网中的心情,激活课堂学习气氛。运用图片和肢体语言再次感受afraid和be afraid of等,加深理解与记忆。关注单词的发音,帮助学生学一个记忆一串。Bite是人类和动物的本能之一。通过看图说话,帮助学生理性看待这一行为。鼓励学生积极思考,借助角色话语活跃课堂气氛,体验即时的心情与感受。鼓励学生进行角色扮演,体会角色心情。由于由前几步的铺垫,最后的结果也就水到渠成了。Post-taskactivities1. Show the whole blog again2. Try to read in roles.3. Show some exercises4. Show another story between Mr Lion and the mouse