

编号:20240912194435174    类型:共享资源    大小:166.53MB    格式:RAR    上传时间:2024-09-12
关 键 词:
人教PEP版三年级上册课文音频 人教PEP版三年级上册单词录音 人教PEP版三年级上册英语mp3
折叠 24新教材人教PEP版三年级上英语课文朗读音频+单词录音mp3(全册听力下载).rar24新教材人教PEP版三年级上英语课文朗读音频+单词录音mp3(全册听力下载).rar
展开 RevisionRevision
展开 Unit 1Unit 1
展开 Unit 2Unit 2
展开 Unit 3Unit 3
展开 Unit 4Unit 4
展开 Unit 5Unit 5


../P74 Revision Listen and tick.mp3
../P74 Revision Read aloud.mp3
../P75 Revision Look and circle.mp3
../P76 Revision Listen and chant.mp3
../P76 Revision Read and discuss.mp3
../P77 Revision Fill and sing a song.mp3
../P77 Revision Read the list aloud.mp3
../Unit 5 Theme 3 Listen and sing.mp3
Unit 1
../P10 Unit 1 C Listen and circle.mp3
../P10 Unit 1 C What do you do with your friends.mp3
../P11 Unit 1 C Self-assessment.mp3
../P12 Unit 1 C Reading time.mp3
../P2 Unit 1 Theme 1.mp3
../P3 Unit 1 Theme 2 Listen and chant.mp3
../P3 Unit 1 Theme 3 Listen and sing.mp3
../P4 Unit 1 A Let&amp#39;s talk.mp3
../P4 Unit 1 A Listen, sing and role-play.mp3
../P5 Unit 1 A Let&amp#39;s learn.mp3
../P5 Unit 1 A Listen and do.mp3
../P6 Unit 1 A Listen and circle the first sound 1.mp3
../P6 Unit 1 A Listen and circle the first sound 2.mp3
../P6 Unit 1 A Listen, repeat and chant 1.mp3
../P6 Unit 1 A Listen, repeat and chant 2.mp3
../P7 Unit 1 B Let&amp#39;s talk.mp3
../P7 Unit 1 B Look and match.mp3
../P8 Unit 1 B Let&amp#39;s learn.mp3
../P8 Unit 1 B Listen and chant.mp3
../P9 Unit 1 B Circle the words you read in the poster.mp3
../P9 Unit 1 B Start to read.mp3
Unit 2
../P14 Unit 2 Theme 1.mp3
../P15 Unit 2 Theme 2 Listen and chant.mp3
../P15 Unit 2 Theme 2 Listen and sing.mp3
../P16 Unit 2 A Let&amp#39;s talk.mp3
../P16 Unit 2 A Listen, sing and play.mp3
../P17 Unit 2 A Let&amp#39;s learn.mp3
../P17 Unit 2 A Listen and chant.mp3
../P18 Unit 2 A Listen and circle the first sound 1.mp3
../P18 Unit 2 A Listen and circle the first sound 2.mp3
../P18 Unit 2 A Listen, repeat and chant 1.mp3
../P18 Unit 2 A Listen, repeat and chant 2.mp3
../P19 Unit 2 B Ask and answer.mp3
../P19 Unit 2 B Let&amp#39;s talk.mp3
../P20 Unit 2 B Let&amp#39;s learn.mp3
../P20 Unit 2 B Listen and chant.mp3
../P21 Unit 2 B Start to read.mp3
../P21 Unit 2 B Tick Chen Jie&amp#39;s family members.mp3
../P22 Unit 2 C Complete the family tree.mp3
../P22 Unit 2 C Listen and tick.mp3
../P23 Unit 2 C Self-assessment.mp3
../P24 Unit 2 C Reading time 1.mp3
../P24 Unit 2 C Reading time 2.mp3
Unit 3
../P26 Unit 3 Theme 1.mp3
../P27 Unit 3 Theme 2 Listen and chant.mp3
../P27 Unit 3 Theme 3 Listen and sing.mp3
../P28 Unit 3 A Do a survey.mp3
../P28 Unit 3 A Let&amp#39;s talk.mp3
../P29 Unit 3 A Let&amp#39;s learn.mp3
../P29 Unit 3 A Listen and do.mp3
../P30 Unit 3 A Listen and circle the first sound 1.mp3
../P30 Unit 3 A Listen and circle the first sound 2.mp3
../P30 Unit 3 A Listen, repeat and chant 1.mp3
../P30 Unit 3 A Listen, repeat and chant 2.mp3
../P31 Unit 3 B Let&amp#39;s talk.mp3
../P31 Unit 3 B Play with hand shadows.mp3
../P32 Unit 3 B Let&amp#39;s learn.mp3
../P32 Unit 3 B Listen and chant.mp3
../P33 Unit 3 B Circle the animals you see.mp3
../P33 Unit 3 B Start to read.mp3
../P34 Unit 3 C Listen and circle.mp3
../P34 Unit 3 C Think and group.mp3
../P35 Unit 3 C Self-assessment.mp3
../P36 Unit 3 C Reading time.mp3
Unit 4
../P38 Unit 4 Theme 1.mp3
../P39 Unit 4 Theme 2 Listen and chant.mp3
../P39 Unit 4 Theme 3 Lisen and sing.mp3
../P40 Unit 4 A Ask and answer.mp3
../P40 Unit 4 A Let&amp#39;s talk.mp3
../P41 Unit 4 A Let&amp#39;s learn.mp3
../P41 Unit 4 A Listen and chant.mp3
../P42 Unit 4 A Listen and circle the first sound 1.mp3
../P42 Unit 4 A Listen and circle the first sound 2.mp3
../P42 Unit 4 A Listen, repeat and chant 1.mp3
../P42 Unit 4 A Listen, repeat and chant 2.mp3
../P43 Unit 4 B Let&amp#39;s talk.mp3
../P43 Unit 4 B Look and discuss.mp3
../P44 Unit 4 B Let&amp#39;s learn.mp3
../P44 Unit 4 B Listen and chant.mp3
../P45 Unit 4 B Circle the things you see in the picture .mp3
../P45 Unit 4 B Start to read.mp3
../P46 Unit 4 C Discuss in your group.mp3
../P46 Unit 4 C Listen and match.mp3
../P47 Unit 4 C Self-assessment.mp3
../P48 Unit 4 C Reading time.mp3
Unit 5
../P50 Unit 5 Theme 1.mp3





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