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译林版八年级下册英语Unit 8《A green world》Integrated skills教案.docx

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译林版八年级下册英语Unit 8《A green world》Integrated skills教案.docx

Unit8 a green worldIntegrated skills1. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. Learn something about environment from listening materials;2. Get useful information while listening and develop listening skills;3. Know how to communicate with others about protecting environment;4. Know how to do a survey.2. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: survey, empty, dust, harmful, soil, in place2. New structures: students were asked about their daily habits.Its great that most students remember to turn off lights when they leave rooms.Air pollution is harmful to our health.3. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. Complete listening tasks and develop listening skills.2. Talk about how to protect the environment in simple English.4. Teaching proceduresStep 1 lead-inShow your green ideas: Good or bad habitsShow some pictures about something we do every day with descriptions and ask students to judge good or bad.take short showersleave the tap running when brushing teethrecycle empty bottles leave the light on when leavinguse one side of the paperuse plastic bags when shoppingStep 2 A survey on your daily habits (6 questions)1.Do you take showers for less than 10 minutes?2.Do you use both sides of the paper?3.Do you recycle empty bottles?4.Do you turn off the lights when you leave a room?5.Do you take your own bags to the supermarket?6.Do you try to walk or ride a bike to school?Step 3 listening and speakingTask1: listen and findTime: Survey: _______Daniel and Sandy meet: ________Place: ________Number of students: ____ ( Boys: ____ & Girls: ___ )Number of questions: ____Tips:u Predict(预测) before listeningu Listen for the key words while listeningTask2: listen and countDaily habits number of studentsTurn off the tap when brushing teethTake showers for less than 10 minutesUse both sides of the paperRecycle empty bottlesTurn off the lights when they leave a roomTake their own bags to the supermarketTask3: filling the blanketsHave you known well about the survey?Daniel and Sandy did a survey this ____________________. Students were asked about their _________________. Here are the results of the survey. Only _______students usually take showers for less than 10 minutes, but _____ students turn off the tap when brushing their teeth. Only 15 students recycle__________________________, but ______ students use both sides of the paper. It is great that most students remember to _________________the lights when they leave a room, but few students take their own ____________ to the supermarket. The survey shows that students are doing a lot to help protect the environment but there are still many more things they can do.Task4: speak up- more ideasCan anybody tell us some other ways to protect the environment?Q: 1. What can Sandy and Kitty do to protect the environment?2. How do trees help?Reduce dustKeep the air cleanKeep soil in place during stormsProvide home for animalsTask5: discuss green habitsMake up your own dialogue: water AirPowerStep4: homeworkLove nature, love ourselves; hand in hand, make a better world.Make your poster and share it with your classmates


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